Wednesday, April 02, 2014

CentOS - Movie Player, MPEG-4-AAC decoder is Missing?

If you use your Movie Player in CentOS try to play a mp4 file, and getting this "MPEG-4-AAC decoder plugin is missing" message, you can install "gstreamer-ffmpeg" to solve this problem.

"gstreamer-ffmpeg" is included in RPM Fusion, RPM Fusion contains software packages that Fedora or RedHat doesn't want to ship. 

That software is provided as precompiled RPMs for all current Fedora versions and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6; you can use the RPM Fusion repositories with tools like yum and PackageKit.

To setup RPM Fusion:
# su -c 'yum localinstall --nogpgcheck'

For other version OS:

Then install "gstreamer-ffmpeg"
# yum install gstreamer-ffmpeg

Restart your moive player, you are good to go.

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