The Classic Way:
The classic way of doing this was to use keytool then sign it with apksigner. keytool ( is a java tool that manages a keystore (database) of cryptographic keys, X.509 certificate chains and trusted certificates. You can use keytool to generate the private key. For example:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias my-alias
This above command will prompts you for passwords for the keystore and key, and to provide the distinguished name fields for your key. It then generates the keystore as a file called my-release-key.jks, saving it in the current directory (you can move it wherever you'd like). The keystore contains a single key that is valid for 10,000 days.
apksigner is a Andrioid SDK Builds Tool which allows you to sign APKs and to confirm that an APK's signature will be verified successfully. For example:
apksigner sign --ks my-release-key.jks --out my-app-release.apk my-app-unsigned-aligned.apk
That's the classic way of doing APK sigining. An easy and alternative method (most used) is to use "SignApk.jar".
The Easy Way:
SignApk.jar is a tool included with the Android platform source bundle. To use SignApk.jar you have to create a private key with it’s corresponding certificate/public key. To create private/public key pair, you can use Openssl.
How to create private/public key pair using openssl
# Generate an RSA private key, 1024 is the size of the private key to generate in bits openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024 # Creates and processes certificate requests in PKCS#10 format # -new: generates a new certificate request. # -key: Specifies the file to read the private key from openssl req -new -key key.pem -out request.pem # The x509 command is a multi purpose certificate utility. It can be used to display # certificate information, convert certs to various forms, sign certificate # -req: Specify a certificate request is expected on input (default input is certificate) # -days: Number of days the certificate is valid for # -signkey: Specify the certificate request to be self signed using supplied private key. openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in request.pem -signkey key.pem -out certificate.pem # pkcs8 processes private keys in PKCS#8 format # -topk8: Reads traditional format private key and writes a PKCS#8 format key. # -outform: Specifies the output format. # -inform: Specifies the input format. # -nocrypt: PKCS#8 keys generated or input are normally PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo structures using an # appropriate password based encryption algorithm. With this option an # unencrypted PrivateKeyInfo structure is expected or output. openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in key.pem -inform PEM -out key.pk8 -nocrypt
Sign APK or Zip files using SignApk.jar
Since you have generated the certificate and private key, now you can sign your files:
java -jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 your-app.apk your-signed-app.apk or java -jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8
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