Sunday, September 17, 2017

Docker Compose - No Such Image Error

Docker Version:
Version 17.06.2-ce-mac27 (19124)

If you are seeing the following error while running "docker-compose up":
$ docker-compose up

Recreating c48311f5ebf9_zimbra_zimbra_1 ...
Recreating c48311f5ebf9_zimbra_zimbra_1 ... error

ERROR: for c48311f5ebf9_zimbra_zimbra_1  no such image:
No such image: sha256:d8f82d3dd6a2a3249f425a0b5a276331aa4fcfd1b0d25addd38807f37c506637

ERROR: for zimbra  no such image:
No such image: sha256:d8f82d3dd6a2a3249f425a0b5a276331aa4fcfd1b0d25addd38807f37c506637

Normally it is the old cache cause this issue. You can try to do a "docker-compose down" and "docker-compose rm" before you execute "docker-compose up" again. This should solve your issue.

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