Monday, September 18, 2017

Zimbra - Docker Compose

If you are also using "docker compose" for defining and running multi-container Docker applications like me, and if you are also using Zimbra, here is my verison of "docker-compose.yml" to get zimbra running in a docker container.

The "Dockerfile" is from "", but I made few modifications:

1. Instead of downloading "zimbra-zcs-8.6.0.tar.gz" from "" each time you "up" the container, I recommend you manually download it prior to installation, then just "tar -xzvf" it (zimbra/docker-container/docker/opt/, line 146-151)

2. "docker-compose.yml" v2 has a "dns" configuration bug, it doesn't update the "/etc/resolv.conf" file, so I manually hacked the "" ( with the following code:
## Fix /etc/resolv.conf file
echo "Update /etc/resolv.conf file"
echo $'nameserver\nnameserver' > /etc/resolv.conf
cat /etc/resolv.conf

3. Create a "docker-compose.yml"


  1. Git clone
  2. Go to "zimbra/docker-container/docker" and run "make", this will create "zimbra_docker" image
  3. Go to "zimbra" and do a "docker-compose up"
  4. Go to "" or "" for admin console
  5. Enjoy!

Source code:

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