The idea/flow is simple, suppose you have a running EC2 instance, we will perform the following two steps to setup an OpenVPN server in this instance:
- Use Ansible playbook to install "Docker" and "Docker compose"
- Pull the kylemanna's openvpn docker image and use "Docker Compose" to run and manage the service.
At the end of this tutorial, you should have a running OpenVPN container service.
- Ansible:
- Docker: 17.12.1-ce+
- Docker compose: 1.21.0
Install "Docker" and "Docker Compose"
Go to the following repository, follow the "" ( instructions.You will need to have a running AWS EC2 instance.
The "task" yaml file:
--- - name: Configure / Update yum packages yum: name: '*' state: latest update_cache: yes - name: install docker yum: name='docker' state=latest - name: service docker service: name=docker state=started enabled=yes - name: Install Docker Compose get_url: url: "{{ docker_compose_version }}/docker-compose-Linux-x86_64" dest: "/usr/local/bin/docker-compose" force: True owner: "root" group: "root" mode: "0755"
The "defaults" yaml file:
--- docker_compose_version: "1.21.0"
Now you should have both "docker" and "docker-compose" installed on the instance.
Install "openvpn" Container
Log into the EC2 instance, I put everything inside "/var/docker-data" as a personal habit. Create a "/var/docker-data/openvpn" directory, go into the newly created directory:- Download the "docker-compose.yml" from ""
- Follow the set up instructions: ""
The setup instruction is pretty self-explanatory.
You can check if the container service is running by:
docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports --------------------------------------------------- openvpn ovpn_run Up>1194/udp
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